Working the CCBootcamp labs on the 12 router topology.


First, let’s ignore the instructions on the original.


The ccBootcamp labs refer to an address of their R2 at  They tell you in the instructions not to shut that down or change the address.   That was their path to the Internet and does not match ours.   That instruction does not apply to working ccBootcamp labs on this pod.


Second, there is a segment that is important in working these labs using this topology.


In all cases, the solutions I worked in doing the ccBootcamp labs I always worked to provide a route to the, which is how we find the tftp-server (the tftp-server is at  The diagrams and solutions I provide show that the top Ethernet segment always has that address space.


Third, all addresses in the pod can be assigned to anything you like except these three.


There are three specific addresses that never change for any labs on the 12 router pod, sometimes not all are used, --however if they are they are always as follows


            ElCentro Ethernet0 –

            Monterey Ethernet0 –

            Indiana Ethernet0 –